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How Herbal Aromatherapy Works

As its name suggests, herbal aromatherapy uses ingredients found in nature to facilitate healing and to ease stress. Stress can come from emotional sources or as a result of physical pain.

Many aches and pains benefit from applying ready made treatment packs known as herbal hugs. As these hugs can be used cold or heated in the microwave, they work as a replacement for both, ice packs and electric heating pads.

The entire family can see benefits from using aromatherapy. The easiest way for children to gain an advantage is to put essential oils in a vaporizer in their bedroom. The calming mixture helps them to sleep and reduce their chances of having nightmares.

While there’s no cure for the common cold, a blend of herbal aromatherapy essential oils that can include eucalyptus, chamomile and even pine extracts can open up the respiratory tract and works to reduce inflammation of the soft tissues.

While other respiratory conditions such as asthma and a persistent cough can also benefit from essential oils, these ailments should not be treated by a novice practitioner. The possible side effects should be taken seriously and it’s in everyone’s best interest to consult a specialist.

flower in spoon

There are many common herbal aromatherapy remedies that can energize and revitalize the body. There are other herbal blends that can relieve headaches or even calm a migraine. Every day, more and more people are seeking relief from their ailments by turning away from chemical solutions and turning towards aromatherapy.

The simpler, more gentle approach to healing encourages a healthier lifestyle. Once ridiculed by the medical profession, aromatherapy is now accepted and sometimes, even encouraged, by doctors whose patients are having difficulty finding relief for chronic ailments via common chemical compounds. If you suffer from chronic aches and pains, consult with your physician about introducing aromatherapy extracts to your daily routine as a complementary relief solution.

Consulting an herbalist takes the dangerous guesswork out of trying to determine which plants are best for a condition. While recipes for eliminating stress are fairly safe when used properly, medical conditions dictate that a professional should be recruited before undertaking any procedures. You’ll have the best guidance not only in usage, but also in choosing high quality essential oils, avoiding the aggravation and expense of ineffective products.

Lilac is a wellness blogger. She's deeply immersed in the world of essential oils and aromatherapy, combining her love for natural wellness with a lifestyle that reflects her beliefs and interests.
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Aromatherapy to Beat Winter Blues