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aromatherapy beats the winter blues

Aromatherapy to Beat Winter Blues

Cold and flu season can bring out some unfortunate feelings. We can feel overcome with feelings of depression, lethargy and even irritability. These symptoms are specific to a condition commonly called at the Winter Blues. This condition affects millions of men and women every year.

Among alternative and complementary health care practices, lavender therapy is commonly used to combat mild cases of this seasonal affective disorder.

Lavender oil has the reputation of cleansing the body and mind. It’s also suggested that it can also release negative thoughts and feelings. It’s very safe and, with a steady influence on the psyche, lavender oil extract can be an aid to putting a stop to emotional conflicts. It can also raise one’s consciousness level.

Lavender aromatherapy is considered compatible with a large number of anxiety issues – some more serious than others. Lavender aromatherapy can be helpful to restore mental balance for anything from nervous tension to hysteria or panic. The best part is that you have a lot of options as to how you’d like to disperse the fragrance. It’s available in many forms: bath salts, incense, candles and aromatic massage oils. Even something as simple as an herbal sachet can help and don’t forget your trusty about handing over dispersion duties to your trusty diffuser. In a pinch, you can add a couple of drops to your pillow case or simply add to a cotton ball and drop that inside your pillow case.

spa for winter blues
A warm bath with an aromatherapy bath bomb can ease the winter blues

Massage and bath are perfectly compatible with lavender aromatherapy. Once the oil passes into the nervous system, it influences the brain to work positively on organs, muscles and tissues. When used in hot bath water, lavender aromatherapy oil stimulates the blood flow and enters the lymphatic system, modifying the reactions to the aggressive external stimuli. A similar reaction is triggered by the gentle oil massaging in the skin. Complementary practices that support the use of lavender aromatherapy include light therapy and exposure to natural sunlight.

There are many other ways you can get creative dispersing lavender essential oil. What’s important is that you do it consistently without going overboard. Just take care to notice any changes in your mood.

Work with your physician to elevate your sense of well-being and complement it with aromatherapy. Soon, the winter will give way to the welcoming warmth of Spring.

Lilac is a wellness blogger. She's deeply immersed in the world of essential oils and aromatherapy, combining her love for natural wellness with a lifestyle that reflects her beliefs and interests.
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